Welcome to Saket.log

less than 1 minute read

Namaste! Sawasdee! Anyong! Nihao! Ohayo!

I have been wanting to develop a personal blog for a while now. During my winter vacation, my friend (Abhinav) introduced me to jekyll and the minimal mistakes theme. It was the perfect time to explore markdown driven blogging as I had time on my hands. Once I started indulging myself into markdown driven blogging, I started to like how simple and easy it was to setup a blog and host it freely on github.

I finally have mustered up enough courage, fought off my laziness and decided to start this blog. The purpose behind this blog is to share my experiences, learnings and activities which may be useful to others reading my articles. My goal is to share my knowledge as much as possible, so stay tuned!.

Like to sign off with a quote.

“Share your Knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortatility”. -Dalai Lama

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